
Download subscription visual studio professional
Download subscription visual studio professional

This lets you quickly add new projects or files to your solutions and easily build all or part of your solution.

  • Code Navigation (Go To Definition/References)įeatures Manage your projects with a new solution viewĬ# Dev Kit extension enhances VS Code's existing Workspaces with a new Solution Explorer view, providing a curated and structured view of your application for effortless, central project management.
  • download subscription visual studio professional

    Check out the C# Getting Started documentation to learn more!.

    download subscription visual studio professional

    Open a folder/workspace that contains a C# project (.csproj) and the extension will activate.Install C# Dev Kit (The C# extension and the IntelliCode for C# Dev Kit will automatically be installed).Roslyn powered language service for best in-class C# language features such as code navigation, refactoring, semantic awareness, and more.Native testing environment to run and debug tests using the Test Explorer.

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    C# project and solution management via an integrated solution explorer.Some of this new tooling includes but is not limited to: This extension builds on top of the great C# language capabilities provided by the C# extension and enhances your C# environment by adding a set of powerful tools and utilities that integrate natively with VS Code to help C# developers write, debug, and maintain their code faster and with fewer errors. C# Dev Kit helps you manage your code with a solution explorer and test your code with integrated unit test discovery and execution, elevating your C# development experience wherever you like to develop (Windows, macOS, Linux, and even in a Codespace).

    Download subscription visual studio professional